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She's crying and in a lot of pain.

Mother continued to do her best to stay out of the way. She would leave the house to go to her doctor's appointments, but not much else. Even that became more difficult since she no longer had a car of her own. She asked my brother if she could use one of his since he had so many. He agreed, for a while, but then told her, "You need to see if you can get to these appointments another way. My truck was not meant to be driven every day." Apparently, it was a classic.

One day my brother called me with a story that startled him. He said he and his wife were taking a walk in the park when a stranger approached him. It was a man, and he had a message to deliver. Without hesitation, the man looked at my brother and told him, "God told me today I would see a man and a woman walking together. I would know them by the ball the man would be carrying. I was told to tell you that there is a woman in your home weeping daily. She is in a lot of pain and needs you desperately. You need to show her love and compassion. Everything depends on it. My brother thought, wow, it's a good thing I'm taking this romantic walk with my wife because surely this message is about her. I knew right off that this warning was about mother, but I chose not to tell him. This was something he would have to reconcile in his heart.

During one of our many calls, mother asked me to promise her something. The request was odd, but I said yes. She wanted me to throw a pool party for her birthday. She said it had to be at my brother's house and no one was allowed to bring gifts for her. She went on to say, "On the invitations, make sure to tell everyone that all presents are to be housewarming gifts for my brother and his wife." I joked a little and said, "Girl, your birthday isn't for a few months." She said, "Shannon, I'm not kidding. I need you to do this for me." I could tell she was serious, so I said, "Okay."

How was I supposed to keep this promise? I guess I would know when the time came.


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Shohanur Rahman
Shohanur Rahman
Jan 12, 2024

That was very heartbreaking 💔

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