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Satan always devours his own!

A hearing was set for the custody papers filed by my ex-husband. After calling several other cases, it was finally our turn. The judge asked my ex the reason we were before the court. He said, “My son is fourteen now and he wants to live with me.” He had convinced himself that was all that needed to be said. However, he would quickly learn the difference between his google legal research and the law.

After asking my ex a few questions, the judge then turned to me. He asked, “Ms. Moultrie, what are your thoughts on what has been said here today?” I said, “Your honor, I honestly don’t know why we are here today. The standing order is clear on the steps that must be taken before being heard in your court and the petitioner has failed to adhere to the order.” He looked at my ex and said, “Is this true? Have you failed to follow the order?” My ex stumbled over his words in an attempt to explain his ignorance away, when I said, “Your honor, as far as I can see, the only home my son can return to is mine. And I request that the petition be denied. He looked at my ex and loudly said, “Ms. Moultrie is correct. The petition is denied. Next case!”

My son was confused. His father had assured him that they would be going home together. As we walked down the courtroom steps my son said, “Mom, what does all of this mean?” I told him the judge said he was to continue living with me unless and until I decided to change that. I looked at him and said, “Do you want to go live with your father?” He said, “Yes.” I said, “Then that’s where you’re going to go.” He was shocked and happy, but had no idea what he had really asked for. I took him home, packed his things and sent him on his way. After signing a few documents, my son was officially a resident of Macon, Georgia. I had even modified half of the child support that I was awarded. Why only half? Because I knew what was to come.

My son wasn’t there a month before he began fighting with his father and begging me to get an apartment in my name so that he no longer had to live with his father. I received calls of them screaming at each other, his father calling the police on him, and much more. My son learned real fast that Satan always devours his own.


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