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Quit your job, we're moving to Georgia

My friend took photos of my face to prove what he had done, in case he did something else to me. I was too scared to call the police, so I told him we needed space. I stayed in the house and he moved in with his mother. I desperately needed a night alone, so I bought a ticket to see Bernie Mac and my friend agreed to watch my children. When I arrived, I grabbed a much needed glass of wine and started to my seat. There he was, with another woman. Angry? Hell no! I prayed that he'd attached himself to someone else so that I could finally be free.

With him gone, I worked my regular job and asked the receptionist at our office to watch my children so that I could take a part-time job at Blockbusters in the evening. It was a tough schedule, but I made it work as long as I could. The hours proved to be too much for both me and my children. So, I decided to file for child support. He begged me not to do it. He promised to change and said we owed it to our children to be a “real” family. He asked me to marry him. At first, I said no. Then he told me I was being selfish. He said his parents had been married his entire life, and because I came from a broken home, I didn’t know the impact it could have on children. As much as I wanted to run as far away from this man as possible, I thought, maybe he is right. Maybe this was something I needed to do for my children in order for them to have a better life. So I did.

One weekend, dressed in overalls, I went with him to Reno to get married. There were no smiles, no celebrations. Just, I do. Things were better for about two months, then he returned to his old self. He started saying things like, “as my wife, I demand that you…” The more he demanded that I stay home, the more he went out with other women. I was slowly disappearing. We would put on a front for his job and his parents, but he had no problem showing my friends and his that he was going to do whatever he wanted.

I stayed focus at work. It was my outlet. Before I knew it, I had been promoted twice and eventually applied for a new position with another company. I was so excited. I made it through the second interview and they extended an offer. He was pissed. One day there was a knock at our door. It was one of his coworkers. He said he stopped by to speak with my husband because he had just found out he'd quit without notice, and left the keys on his desk. I had nothing to tell him. I had no idea. Later that night he came home and said, “You can’t accept the job offer because we are moving to Georgia!”


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